Scientific Program > Speed presentation session 2 (Wednesday, 4:00 pm)

16 Bertrand Friguet,  B2A-IBPS - Integrated cellular ageing and inflammation team : research axis

17 Hans Brandstetter , Structural biology and sensitive PTM detection by the fluorescent enzyme cascade (fEC)

18 Michael Naumann, NF-kB and deubiquitinylases in cancer

19 Regina Menezes, IAPP (Islet Amyloid Polypeptide), �-cell functionality and diabetes

20 Colin Adrian, How membrane protein trafficking and quality control regulates inflammation & metabolism

21 Irina Milisav, Cell Stress Research Laboratory, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine

22 Julien Licchesi, Assembly and function of UbK29 linkages

23 Mirta Boban, Dissecting molecular mechanisms of protein quality control using yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

24 Michael H Glickman, Hypoxia, Mitochondria, proteasome-dependent Proteolysis, and Alzheimer diseased neurons

XI-ZOMES annoucement (by Michael Naumann, Michael Glickman).

25 Makis Skoulakis TAUopathies, TAU stability and modifications

26 Gunnar Dittmar, Large scale mapping of protein-protein interactions, ubiquitin Topology and Biomarkers

27 Olivier Coux, Ongoing projects

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